Pastoral Ponderings – April 2024

Easter Greetings!
Our Newsletter for April is distributed on Easter Sunday so from today until Pentecost we are in the Season of Eastertide. Eastertide is an opportunity to allow ourselves to celebrate Easter on more than
one Sunday. It is also a time for us to focus our spiritual growth on recognizing new life that has arisen in us and how to express that new life in our thoughts and actions.

Focusing on our new life within does not require a 24/7 dedication to contemplative prayer. We grow in the simplest of ways by reading a simple sentence each day and then pausing for a minute or two to let it speak to us with some thought or response in our minds.

I offer you three quotes concerning Easter that you can use as a stimulus to finding the new life within you.

* Alice Freeman Palmer was raised in a religiously devout Scottish Family in upstate New York. She only lived 47 years but rocked the world of women and education. (There are some interesting summaries of her life online.)
“For I remember it is Easter morn, And life and love and peace are all new born.” – Alice Freeman Palmer (1855-1902), First female college president.

* Robert Flatt is a photographer and author who lived with Parkinson’s disease.
“The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances.” – Robert Flatt

* Siobhan Shaw – unknown as a specific person
The Easter egg symbolizes our ability to break out of the hardened, protective shell we’ve surrounded ourselves with.” — Siobhan Shaw

May you feel God’s love and blessings you each day during Eastertide.
Rev. Gloria