
This Month at Encanto Community Church

Handbells and Choir Rehearsal are on hiatus for the Summer! Join us for Hymn Sing every Sunday!

July 13 Yard Sale Sorting Squad 10am-12pm Fellowship Hall Basement

July 14 Ice Cream Sundae Sunday! Hosted by our youth during Fellowship Hour. Sundaes and Root Beer floats for all!

July 18 Nourish Phoenix 8:15am

July 20 Social Gang Bingo Bonanza 10am

August 11 Christmas in August worship service and potluck dinner

Sunday Bible Study: Every Sunday at 8:45 a.m.  Masks are optional.

In person worship Sunday at 10:00 a.m.   Whoever you are, wherever you are on life’s journey, you’re welcome here. Masks are optional.

Youth and Young Adults –  Meet in the Sanctuary at 10am until dismissed for Sunday School.

Like to sing or make music? Join Choir or Handbells – experience not necessary.  Practice is on Tuesday evenings.  Handbells at 5pm and choir at 7pm in the sanctuary.

If you prefer to watch the Service on Facebook, it will run live on Sunday at 10am, or you may watch any day or time that works for you.  You may also view any of our past services on Facebook.  You don’t have to have a Facebook account in order to view the service. 


Please mail your tithes and offering or bring them with you to church Sunday morning.

Encanto Community Church

2710 N. 7th Avenue

Phoenix, AZ  85007