With the new year comes one of the most important days in American Culture–the Super Bowl! I don’t know who’s playing, I don’t even actually know how the sport is played necessarily, but I can tell you one thing for sure, “Sup-” sounds like “Soup” and I love soup. Who doesn’t? Nobody, that’s who. And this year we are bringing back the Soup-er Bowl Drive.
That’s when we pull together as a community to bring the heartwarming joy of a bowl of soup to our neighbors at Nourish Phoenix and the homeless our own food pantry serves. For every can of soup brought in, we place it on our very own ECC football field (spanning the size of one whole table, woah!), and when we get enough cans to the end of the field we get a touchdown.
The cans can be any size, they don’t need to have the pop-tabs but if they do, too, great as that helps those who may not have access to can-openers. The drive will begin on January 19th, the same day as our Chili Cook Off, and will run for the next four weeks, with the last Sunday to donate on February 9th.
Last year we did about 5 touchdowns during the Soup-er Bowl, let’s see if we can beat that record in 2025 and warm even more bellies this winter!